

Today we walked up to the high school to see the district Art Show… as we perused the show, the looks on each sprout’s face as they saw their piece of art was priceless. For a moment, they were famous. It was a sight to see.

On our way back, as we walked on the sidewalk, I quickly saw the soccer field sprinklers had come on while we were in the building. A dilemma presented itself. We could avoid the sprinklers by walking in the road for a bit, but obviously this seemed unsafe… or we could walk through the water. The sun was out. It was the warmest day in some time… I put my hands up and walked through the sprinkler with glee.

Did I get a little wet? Sure. Did the kids get a little wet? Absolutely. We were almost completely dry by the time we returned to our school… it was just a little water… and it was a ton of fun.


Deborah said...

Oooh, I would have run through the sprinkler too!

Michelle M. said...

what a wonderful teacher you are to let them be kids. I LOVE this!

Aaliyah Aldaco said...

Whoa, is the picture attached your real shot? It looks great! The timing of the jumpshot is perfect! Anyways, that's somewhat like a kids stuff, haha! But I like your personality of getting wet just to keep away from danger. Safety first. LOL!